Paid media | 3/02/2016

6 Tips to Create Everlasting Engagement on Twitter

Posted by Lawrence Greenlee

With more than 500 million tweets being sent on average a day, it’s easy for your Tweets to go unseen and be swept under the carpet. As your profile is competing against 350 million other active accounts, it is vital to do all you can to stand out from the crowd. We’ve put together six simple steps that will help you to attract new followers and get your Tweets noticed.

1 – Creating the perfect business profile

Your Twitter bio and profile picture gives off a critical first impression, so be sure to make it count! Link your brand to your Twitter profile by using your company’s logo as the profile picture. Create an informative or witty bio to assure users that you’re worth a follow.

Top Tip: We all want to connect with real people rather than robots, establish a friendly and personal tone when setting up your profile.

2 – Hashtag Hijack

Tweets are 50% more likely to get retweeted if they feature a hashtag. Hashtags are a simple and effective way to ensure that your Tweets are discoverable to the 305 million active Twitter users and their busy feeds. You can also use hashtags to engage in Twitter conversations and live events, which can help you to build relationships and grow followers.

Top Tip: Don’t use more than 2-3 hashtags in each Tweet, if you go over this amount, it may appear spammy and can result in users unfollowing you. #Remember #Nobody #Wants #To #Follow #A #Hashtag #Abuser!

3 – Scheduling Your Posts

With a chance of a 30% increase in interaction, ideally you post between 8am and 7pm.Make time and schedule Twitter posts in advance to allow your Twitter profile to remain consistent to attract new followers.

Top Tip: Scheduling tools such as Hootsuite, allow you to schedule your posts in advance.

4 – The power of images

An image can speak a thousand words, however, a tweet with a 140-character limit can’t. Make your images work harder for you and catch your follower’s eye in an instant. Tweets with images generate 313% more engagement than those without, so make sure you are using appropriate, good quality images where you can.

Top Tip: To fit the timeline effortlessly, images should be 440 x 220 pixels. If they are too big or too small it will look messy and unprofessional and will have a negative effect on the number of favourites and re-tweets you receive.

5 – Alluring content

Ask yourself ‘Will anyone want to share this?’ Create content that is shareable and relatable to attract retweets and interactions. You’ll see an instant increase in engagement and followers when you start sharing useful, attention grabbing content!

Top Tip: Asking your followers a question is the best way to engage them, whilst also receiving important information for future content

6 – Constructing conversations

Frequently engaging with other users on Twitter will help you to build an engaging, active community. Retweeting mentions and responding to questions is the key to starting up conversations, allowing you to grow both impressions and new followers.

Top Tip: Actively look for opportunities where you can participate in conversations. Use Twitter handles to increase engagement and be sure to respond to mentions and direct Tweets so your replies can be seen.

Follow these 6 steps to create everlasting engagement within your Twitter profile. Want to hear how Twitter marketing could benefit your business? We’d be happy to have a chat, call us on 01273 208913 for more details.